If you have been on the road for a long time, driving gradually becomes a very familiar habit. You probably already know how to behave in most situations and believe you have encountered every problem on the road before. Let’s put this assumption to the test using an example from a real driving test.
Do you know the answer to this question?
Take a look at the picture above. A red car is approaching a junction, as is a green bus. The green bus wants to turn left, while the red car wants to continue straight ahead. Which of the two vehicles has right of way? Bear in mind that all signs, traffic lights and other factors that can influence this traffic situation must be taken into account.
If you have chosen an answer and want to check whether you are right, Scroll down. We will tell you the correct answer below.
The correct answer
Which of the two vehicles now has the right of way and can drive on without waiting for the other? If you guessed the bus, you’re right! Look at the white sign above the traffic lights: It indicates that the bus has priority over other traffic when turning.
If you were wrong, don’t worry about it! You learn something new every day and know what to do in a situation like the one shown above. We are pleased that we were able to support you on your way to becoming an even better driver. Thank you for taking the time to answer this quiz. See you next time!